Thursday, July 8, 2010

Middle-eastern money

Middle-eastern money is really interesting looking...especially when I scan it up-side down...

Horse Treat

Horse beet mash

1 piece of melon

1 banana

a handful of grapes

1 apple

1 cup of beet pulp (soaked for 12 hours with water to cover)

1 cup of oats

Mix the beet pulp with the water slice up the fruit and spread it over the pulp.


YAY! My dad is back from Iraq! He's been gone for 11 months! :D I'm soooo happy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A video I hope ya'll will watch :)


The Mustang is a mixture of breeds, with nearly every single breed. The first mustangs came to North America with Cortez who burned the boats so then the horses where left in Mexico, they became herds, then the pilgrims came bringing with them other breeds of horses, which where either released or escaped from their owners.Mustang

Yesterday, I rode a beautiful bay Arabian named Magnum. And at the lesson, because most of the horses and ponies are at camp, there weren't enough horses to go around...or enough tack. Which led to a lot of confusion... When I rode Magnum he kept spooking and trotting sideways, he would not go near the Arena doors, which made it hard to go over the was pretty fun...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

horse treat

Applesauce Horse treat

1/4 cup of dry oatmeal

1 handful of sweet feed

2 spoonfuls of applesauce

1 spoonful of honey or molasses

1 handful cherrios

4 sugar cubes, 1 sliced apple, etc.

a pinch of brown sugar

1/2 cup of water

You can mix this in your horse's feed bucket. Mix the oatmeal with the water, add sweet feed and applesauce, stir together. Add cherrios, brown sugar, and honey/molasses. Mix again and place treat on top. Serves 1 horse.